Is it just us, or does every day right now feel as though it's about 80 hours long? Between homeschooling and working from home, keeping the kids entertained and trying to still keep our sanity, we'll be honest and admit that once the small humans are finally in bed, we're fit for not a lot beyond binge watching the best TV shows of the moment.
Liar (ITV Hub/Amazon Prime)
Having heard good things about UK-drama, Liar, we recently binge watched series one via ITV Hub just in time for series two, which is airing on ITV now. Full of plot twists, excellent acting, pretty Kent scenery and a kick-ass female lead, we're loving this hard-hitting cat and mouse drama. Who is the liar? Watch it to find out!
Tiger King (Netflix)

We're only three episodes into this roar-some documentary, but we're totally hooked. Did Joe Exotic kill Carole? Did Carole feed her husband to her tigers? And why-oh-why are there so many big cats kept as pets in America? Utterly addictive.
Ozark (Netflix)
Jason Bateman has long been one of our fave actors, and it's great to see him in this meaty role as a nice guy turned money launderer for a Mexican drug cartel. Also, special mention to the kids in the cast: they are, in our humble opinion, phenomenal. Season 3 just started on Netflix, so get binge watching, folks!
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Netflix/Amazon Prime/All4)
We're definitely late to the Brooklyn Nine-Nine party – it's already 7 seasons in – but we have to give it a mention nonetheless for its witty script, hilarious characters and all round feel-good fun. The series revolves around Jake Peralta (the brilliant Andy Samberg), an immature but talented NYPD detective in Brooklyn's fictional 99th Precinct, who tackles his cases much like he does his life: mostly winging it.
The Witcher (Netflix)

Henry Cavill as a blonde? We're still not convinced, but that doesn't hinder our giant mum-sized crush on him. Nor does it stop us loving this mystical, sometimes gruesome, always intriguing drama that follows the adventures of Geralt of Rivia (Cavill), a monster hunter, who struggles to find his place in a world where people are often more wicked than the monsters themselves. If you loved Game of Thrones, you'll definitely love this.
Love is Blind (Netflix)
30 men and women hoping to find love and get married... Reality TV at its trashiest, cheesiest best! Love interests go on a series of speed dates to find The One, with the aim of the man folk proposing to their chosen lady once they've settled on the woman of their dreams. But wait! There's more! Dating is all done blind, and although everyone gets to speak to one another, no one will actually lay eyes on each other until after the proposals! Yes, it really is as awful as it sounds, and yet, it's compelling.
Peaky Blinders (Netflix/Google Play/BBC iPlayer)
Five seasons in, we're fully entrenched in the world of the Shelby family (although we're still not sure we liked season 3 very much, to be honest). Set in Birmingham from 1919 onwards, the story centres on the Peaky Blinders gang and their never-easy-rise to power and wealth, led by angry, charismatic head of the family, Tommy Shelby (Cillian Murphy).
Russian Doll (Netflix)

If it's cool and kooky you're after than this is your binge watching winner. Starring Orange is the New Black star, Natasha Lyonne, the series sees her character, Nadia, get stuck in a mysterious loop of time, that happens to involve her dying every single night. She gets a chance every day to 'reset', but it turns out her time isn't necessarily infinite... Dark, charming, sad and funny: it has it all in spades.
The Outsider (Sky Atlantic/Now TV)
In Flint City, Oklahoma, police detective, Ralph Anderson, arrests popular teacher and coach, Terry Maitland (Jason Bateman again!) in front of a crowd of baseball spectators, charging him with mutilating and killing an 11-year-old boy. What seems to be a cut-and-dry case soon turns into a supernatural mystery with plenty of action, gore and gasp aloud moments. It's based on a Stephen King novel... say no more.
Born to be Different (Channel 4)
Whether you've been following this from the beginning (we have!), or are just discovering it now, one thing is certain about watching Born to be Different... you're gonna need a lot of tissues to hand for each episode. You'd have to be made out of stone not to share happy and sad tears at the highs and lows of the rollercoaster journey of six children who were born in the millennium, all with a disability. Series 10 has just started and we're fast using up our rapidly depleting tissue supply.
Haunting of Hill House

If you like your dramas with a large dose of jump scares, then Haunting of Hill House firmly needs to be on your viewing radar. Season 1 whips between present day and 1992, which was when the Crain family moved into Hill House. What they didn't bargain for was the supernatural residents sharing their new home... Bent Neck Lady has to be one of the creepiest characters EVER, but we'll let you find out why for yourselves. Season 2 is scheduled for this year, and we literally can't wait to be terrified all over again.
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