Listen up folks of London. We are being made to look FOOLS on the global stage, and whilst thankfully we don't know anyone personally who is flouting the lockdown rules, we know that plenty of people are.
It really is simple. STAY HOME. This thing is not going to go away, and it's going to get a whole heap worse if nugget heads continue to think it's okay to have a BBQ in the park, that it's fine to go round granny's for a cup of tea, and that it's totally acceptable to bowl over to B&Q to buy some new garden furniture. It is not okay. It is far from okay and people are dying because of it.
As of today - Sunday 5 April - 4313 people in the UK will never get the chance to have a BBQ again. They will never see their family again. And they certainly won't be lounging on new garden furniture this summer. Out of respect for those people and our amazing NHS service, we need to ALL stay home.
London has the worst infection and death rates in the entire United Kingdom right now, and if that isn't enough to make you sit up and take note, then by all means have a look at the obituaries of those who have tragically lost their lives already.
A 13-year-old London boy died of Coronavirus this week with none of his loved ones at his bedside: his funeral will be void of his relatives because they are all in lockdown showing symptoms. Many of us are parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles: can you even begin to imagine the horror of losing your child to this because you plain and simple did not stay home when you were told to?
We have a chance to collectively kick this evil virus up the butt and into orbit. But we have to all be in it together. Yes, it can be boring being cooped up at home, but it's a whole lot less boring than spending your time sick with worry that you may have spread COVID-19.
We saw one woman ask this week on a mummy Facebook page if there were any play centres still open, because her five-year-old didn't like staying home... It is exactly this idiocy that is going to mean we are all in lockdown for longer.
Stay safe, stay home, and protect your family. It really is that simple.
Lecture over. And to lighten the mood, here are some handy dandy guides we've put together to try and keep things fun at home...
Boredom busters for the whole fam
It's Easter break right now (hurrah), but take a look at our Homeschooling 101 guide for ideas that will keep little learners keen to, well, learn, through all of this.

Squidgy, sensory play is always a winner in our house, so we've rounded up some DIY activity ideas that need little prep for maximum busy-ness.
Run out of eggs and flour? No need to panic: we've got a whole heap of easy peasy dessert recipes that you can whip up with your small chefs, that need neither of those elusive ingredients.
Documentaries are our go-to when homeschooling gets a little stale. Here are 10 of the best documentaries that we think will keep the whole fam edutained.

The weather is glorious right now, so get into your garden and get busy with these green-fingered projects. Whether you have a balcony or acres of land (lucky you!), we've got ideas for all.
Easter is hopping ever closer (it's next Sunday, bunnies!), so sound a craft-ernoon or two creating these egg-cellent Easter crafts with your small chicks.
Teens proving hard to entertain? We've got a whole guide just for them, packed with boredom busters. You just need to tip them out of their pits first...
Hand sanitiser, it turns out, is pretty easy to make. Keep the hygiene levels strong by making your own!

Is there anything more satisfying than beating your entire family at serious game of Monopoly? We think not, but we've also got lots of other board game suggestions, courtesy of our friends over at Playopolis, to keep you and the kids occupied in the coming weeks. Don't forget to send us your photos via Insta with your best game faces!
From hide and seek to DIY beauty parlours, we've got lots of suggestions for cheap and cheerful indoor adventures.

Need a bit of time out from the madness? Download these mindfulness apps, stat, and take a mum-time moment. A lot of these are good for the whole family, so get everyone breathing deeply and bringing some inner calm to the day.
It's not all doom and gloom you know... we've come up with a list of the pros of this self-isolation business which will hopefully put a smile on your boat race.
See, you made it through the day in one piece. Time to pour a glass of something and binge watch binge watch these essential TV viewing musts.
And then tomorrow you get to do it all over again: enjoy!