Kickstart the fright fest for Halloween 2023 with our guide to making your own Halloween decor, then whip up these Halloween snacks, move on to a spot of Halloween loo roll craft and then creep it real with one of these DIY Halloween costumes before settling down for a Halloween movie marathon...
Ghost tutu

Turn your tiny terror into a tutu-cute-to-spook ghost this Halloween by using this tutorial by Purely Katie.
No-sew ghost costume

If your small ghoul doesn't fancy a tutu, but still wants to shake their boo-ty, try this no-sew ghost costume by Gina Michele.

Forget fashion design and go Pac-man design instead with a retro DIY Halloween costume the whole fam can get on board with. Head over to The Effortless Chic for the a-maze-ing costume lowdown.

The easiest DIY Halloween costume there is: all you need is some red lippy, black eyeliner, some old clothes you don't mind shredding and dirtying somewhat, and the odd bandage. You don't need a tutorial for this one: just your own imagination! We're still brushing the knots out of this little zombie's hair from last Howl-o-ween.
Bat wings

Kids will go batty for this easy, peasy bat wing tutorial by My Poppet.
Wizard of Oz witches

Resting witch face at the ready for these Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch costumes by Simple as That Blog. Don't forget to watch the classic movie these characters come from before heading out on your brooms!
Miguel from Coco

One of our fave Halloween movies has to be Coco, so we just had to include Miguel as a DIY Halloween costume idea. All you need is a red hoodie, white tee, blue jeans and a cardboard guitar. Oh, and a whole lot of black and white face paint!

Sink your teeth into this fangtastic vampire costume idea by Velcro and you're sure to have a fa-boo-lous Halloween.
Day of the Dead sugar skull makeup
Brighten up Halloween by decorating the kids with a terror-ific Day of the Dead makeover, starting with this video tutorial by Shonagh Scott.

This is Ladyland shows us how to make a frighteningly simple skeleton costume for the kids to eat, drink and be scary in.
Where's Wally?

For the crochet wizards out there, whipping up a Wally hat via this Repeat Crafter Me tutorial will definitely be a Hallo-winner. For those less skilled with a hook, this one on Amazon is your best bet for going full-on Wally.

Walk like an Egyptian over to Polkadot Chair for deets on how to make this dead easy DIY Halloween costume and the kids will be ever so pleased with their mummy...
Don't forget to tag us on IG with all your boo-tiful outfits!
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