While we seem to be - hopefully - over the worst of the pandemic here in the UK, that doesn't mean we're out of the woods just yet. Now that we're all out and about resuming our adventures, we all know someone, if not ourselves, that has been pinged with that dreaded NHS App text telling you you've been in contact with the virus and you need to self-isolate. And let's face it, isolating isn't really a barrel of laughs, which is why we've come up with this guide packed with 10 things to do with kids when you're isolating for 10 days...
Day 1 - Pop on a family movie
Settle into quarantine with a movie marathon and a whole heap of snacks. We've got 20 classic family films to try here in this guide to get the home cinema started with.
Day 2 - Dig out the board games
It's only day two so hopefully tempers are not too frayed and you all still like one another, so solidify the family feel goods and dig out your fave board games. Probably best not to pick anything too competitive if it's likely to shatter that harmonious equilibrium...
Day 3 - Break out the craft box
With all the covid-crazy happening this past year, we've been busy here at London for Kidz compiling heaps of craft guides. From toilet roll craft to rock painting ideas, upcycling projects to plastic bottle activities, we've got enough crafty fun to keep you busy not only on day three, but for an hour or two EVERY day. Pace yourselves people: that googly eye supply won't last forever!
Day 4 - Clear out the closets
Declutter your life and raid the closets and cupboards with your small helpers. It's amazing how many long forgotten toys and games there are lurking at the back of that wardrobe! It's also the perfect opp to go through all the clothes that no longer fit. Make it fun for the kids by getting them to do a fashion show using the bits and bobs you turf out.
Don't forget to eBay the stuff you can make some cash from, gather a pile of donations for when you can get to the charity shop, and recycle the rest. Then sit back and admire your tidy, clutter free cupboards. There's always the loft as well if you're feeling especially brave...
Day 5 - Make a bug hotel
Your little critters will adore making their very own bug hotel! Not only is it a great craft activity, but it's also an awesome educational project and the whole fam will love watching the new 'guests' move in.
Day 6 - Go camping
You might not be able to get into the great outdoors right now - or even outside your front door - but that doesn't mean you can't set up a camp site in your own garden. If you don't have a garden, or the rain just won't play ball, set up a camp in the house and spend the night in a homemade teepee / blanket fort. Family dogs also welcome.
Day 7 - If you can't beat them, join them...
It's true we usually try and limit screen time as much as possible, but we'll be honest, we've been doing whatever it takes to get through these past months, which includes letting the kids spend more time than usual parked in front of the Xbox. So, why not find out what the addictive fuss is all about and join them for a game of Fortnite / Minecraft / Roblox? They'll love that you're joining in, and love it even more when you're rubbish. Learn how to Floss for extra brownie points.
Day 8 - Go old school
Dust off the old classics: play hide 'n' seek, try some charades, revisit your colouring in skills and while away some time with a spot of pretend play: the perfect way to release your inner child while keeping your actual child full of smiles. We've also got a few, free printable scavenger hunts for you to try at home and in the garden to keep you extra busy with.
Day 9 - Make your own playdough and slime
Turns out that playing with playdough and slime is rather therapeutic. And after 9 days of solid staying home, therapeutic is essential! Why not up the activity ante and make your own playdough and then make your own slime for good measure? And for extra 'making stuff' adventure, whip up your own hand sanitiser too!
Day 10 - Have a teddy bear's picnic
Whether it's in the garden or on the living room floor, the kids will love setting up a teddy bear's picnic! Dress up in your finery, get the kids to make some invitations and then host the stuffed toy party of the year. We've got some great lunch ideas here that the kids will love helping with.
If your little ones are not so little anymore (sad face), then dust off your best china and create a tea party instead: don't forget the cucumber sarnies! And if you're feeling extra decadent, then how about ordering afternoon tea to your doorstep? Cakeaway heaven.
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